Training and Development
Quinn Group ensures that all our direct employed workforce have the right training and qualifications
We are committed to the investment in our staff and work extensively with our H&S team to ensure that all employees have the right qualifications, training and experience for their role within the company.
The Quinn Group operate a policy, 100% of the workforce are part of the CSCS Scheme or NPORS. All staff hold valid CPCS cards for all plant operatives and CSCS cards for groundwork operatives. Additionally all our staff are facefit tested. We are accredited to the Contractors Health & Safety Assessment Scheme (CHAS) and Safety Management Assessment Specialists (SMAS).
Our Projects

Safety Health Environmental and Quality (SHEQ)
The management of the company has nurtured a culture committed to the prevention of injuries and ill health amongst our employees, and others affected by our work activities. Essential to this policy is the continued identification and management of risk. Assessments are made and acted upon at every stage of the business process.